client testimonial video

How Customer Video Testimonials helps to create a Successful Brand

How Customer Video Testimonials help to create a Successful Brand

Customer video testimonials are being adopted increasingly for better marketing, making them an important part of a company’s marketing campaigns … Read More

Create a Better Video Testimonials with 6 Step Process

Create Better Video Testimonials with This 6-Step Process

You’ll get more and better video testimonials from your customers if you follow the 6 simple steps explained in this post … Read More

Consider These 5 Points Before Creating A Testimonial Video

Consider These 5 Points Before Creating A Testimonial Video

Even if you’re already aware of the value of video testimonials, it’s a good idea to go over the following five considerations before getting started. … Read More

Does Vidmonials Remote Video Recording Software Work

Does Vidmonials Remote Video Recording Software Work?

Vidmonials remote video recording software can assist you in video production in numerous ways. Moreover, You’ll get advice on doing it well … Read More

How Has Coronavirus Pandemic Affected Video Production

How Has Coronavirus Pandemic Affected Video Production?

Learn how the coronavirus pandemic affected video production and provided new solutions to address this problem by reading this article … Read More

Who Is The New King Of Online Video Platform(s) In The Market

Who Is The New King Of Online Video Platform(s) In The Market?

An online video platform is used in online video recordings. And Vidmonials is the new king of such platforms. But how: … Read More

Here Are the Top Ways to Generate More Sales Using Video Testimonials!

Here Are the Top Ways to Generate More Sales Using Video Testimonials

Video testimonials can fail in providing the help they were made for (to generate sales) if they are not used with the correct approach … Read More

Here's How To Utilize Video Testimonials in Email Outreach To Get More Conversion

Here’s How To Utilize Video Testimonials in Email Outreach To Get More Conversion!

Email marketers often overlook the importance of video testimonials and other forms of social proof in their campaigns. … Read More

How does Video Testimonial Feature Work As A Competitive Edge For Vidmonials

How does Video Testimonial Feature Work As A Competitive Edge For Vidmonials?

Find out how the video testimonial feature of Vidmonial works as a competitive edge and get inspired to develop your own edge over others … Read More

How To Build Credibility & Increase Sales Through Client Testimonials

How To Build Credibility & Increase Sales Through Client Testimonials?

You can build credibility and increase sales through client testimonials. However, it requires you to make testimonials with certain practices … Read More