
Let The Videos Do Their Magic.

Start exchanging videos with your prospects, customers, candidates, employees, and audiences today.

Make Every Interaction Count

Whether it's your prospects, customers, candidates, employees, and audiences. Vidmonials can make every interaction count.

Convenient Video Collection

Vidmonials provides you with one of a kind purpose-based video recording and collection experience that's convenient for almost every business case.

Multiple Ways To Reach

Vidmonials enables users to send individual and multiple video response requests using emails, shareable links, embeds, and QR codes.

Here's How It Works

As simple as Vidmonials is, you can become an expert in a few minutes.

vidmonials campaigns

Collect Purpose Based Video Responses

A Vidmonials user has the option to send out a single video request, or they can create exclusive Campaigns for multiple clients and projects to send bulk requests. In addition to this, these requests can be sent using direct links, emails, and QR codes as well.

Record & Share Your Screen

Vidmonials provides its users with one of the best screen recorders that allow them to easily record and share multi-purpose screen recordings. For best utility, you can also turn on your camera to show yourself in a small side tray while you explain something through the screen.

vidmonials screen recording
vidmonials video transcription

Video Transcription In Multiple Languages

Vidmonials provides a simple, easy-to-use AI-based transcription tool that makes it easy to transcribe your collected videos. Any video that you receive gets automatically transcribed to its best possible accuracy. More so, you also have the option to edit those transcriptions to ensure perfection.

Easily Manageable Video Library

All your collected videos are stored in a powerful library. You can scroll through each video collected to date with complete information regarding its sender. You can also approve or reject those videos to filter out the ones that you don’t want to share further.

vidmonials video library
vidmonials video editing

Edit Them Just The Way You Want

Vidmonials makes it easier for the users to spice up the received videos with multiple editing options. Users can trim their videos, add text and music to them, and edit the transcripts for the most acceptable match.

Branded Landing Pages

Vidmonials provides a unique way of showcasing your video testimonials via a landing page with all your videos in a single place. So, you can simply share the link of that page with your audience Or pin it on your website via Vidmonials’ displayable widgets.

vidmonials landing page
vidmonials video carousel

Embed With An Impact

For a better impact and more public reach to your videos, showcase your collected videos anywhere on your website. Vidmonials offers assorted embeds for users that they can easily integrate with their business websites without any hassle.

Some More Goodness

Highly Responsive

The whole platform is made after keeping a keen look at the increasing need for multiple device optimization so that you won't feel any glitch in your experience.

User-Friendly Interface

Each feature has been optimized to make sure that the whole user experience at Vidmonials remains stress-free and pleasant to scroll around.

Analytics & Reporting

See where your business is gaining popularity and where it needs to work up a little harder. Vidmonials provide a complete status for your customers' mood.

Security Against Malware

We help our clients in catering negative or hateful reviews before they go viral on the internet, and let them resolve the matter with their customers beforehand.

Regulatory Compliance

Our platform provides all clients with built-in data protection, local hosting, and anonymization support, which complies with all local regulations.

24/7 Professional Support

Our professional support staff is available 24 hours to help solve all the complications that a client may be facing from either their end or from the platform's end.

Level up your business with Vidmonials!

Get started with us today and boost your public interactions.